
During the second millennium BC remnants of this culture fused with the migrating Indo-Aryan peoples. The Indus Valley civilizati…

Anna Mani

Ramanathan Medal for her remarkable contributions to science. 1 day agoGoogle on Tuesday celebrated physicist and meteorologist A…


小笠原諸島とは 小笠原諸島は東京都心から南南東約1000キロの先にある大小様々な30あまりの島々からなる島嶼群とうしょぐんです 2011年に世界遺産に登録さ. 1 day ago小笠原諸島の海底火山海徳海山では23日も海水の色が変わっているのが確認され気象庁…

Alex Jones

14 hours agoAlex Jones walks into the courtroom in front of Scarlett Lewis and Neil Heslin the parents of 6-year-old Sand Hook sh…


Very small islands such as emergent land features on atolls can be called islets skerries cays or keys. The largest and most popu…